
GABA - Sports Supplement Review

Welcome to my first Supplement Review of GABA.

First off, let me get the technical details of GABA out of the way. GABA or Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid if you do not know in short is an amino acid and neurotransmitter that assists nerve impulses or signals to communicate in the body. GABA acts on the pituitary gland, which controls synthesis of growth hormone and is involved with body temperature and sleep cycles. GABA also supports the nervous system and natural hormone production and can assist with relaxation, a stable mood, and healthy fat loss.

I have used GABA for a couple years and it does seem to work quite well, with my experimenting of it. You can purchase GABA in pill form for sleep aid by itself or other sleep aid products as well as a powder. Not many companies sell GABA so you may find it difficult to find. You can find it at most Health Food / Supplement stores and pretty much anywhere online.

First off, I am not a Doctor, Certified Nutritionist or Supplement guru and I will not portray myself as one. If you want to use this product, please check with your doctor, a doctor, or nutritionist before jumping in.

I, myself, tend to research the hell out of a product before putting it into my body. For the most part, I believe I am in tune with my body and can tell what is bad and good for my body. I tend to lean towards the scientist side of thought and I do experiment with products. I got into working out a few years ago simply because I was out of shape. I have bought many upon many products to assist in my exercise adventures until I have narrowed it down to what I feel works though still always experimenting.

I specifically use Dymatize GABA. It was the first company that I found having the product in a powder form. I actually bought the Dymatize GABA on a whim saying, "Hey, it’s an amino acid and I don't think I would screw anything up in my body". GABA by Dymatize is a high quality product and here is what I found. It works. I have noticed a difference in my tone of my muscles.

Taking GABA:
Here is how I take Dymatize GABA. The small $11 - $12 bottle comes with a small scoop and it states to take two or three scoops (Apparently it varies from older or new versions of GABA by Dymatize). If you use the scoop that comes in the bottle, you may or may not feel the effects of GABA. When I say, feel the effects GABA reacts on the body very strangely. What you will notice after a moment or so of taking it in direct water, milk, or with a whey protein drink is a slight to very profound tingly feeling in your body. It usually starts in one location and moves through your body until your body is all tingly. Right at or just after the full body tingly sensation you will have a shortness of breath. All of this is normal for this product as your body is reacting to the amino acid. Many people do not like this reaction and have actually stopped using the product. To me though it gives me an amazing rush sensation that I tend to like for some reason. In addition, you may or may not feel; at about the 10 to 15 minute mark, a bit sleepy this is normal as well and quickly disappears in my trials and continual use of GABA.

Now this is what I do and it maybe not most wise or correct way but I take out the tiny scoop that is provided and chuck it. I use a 1/2 tea spoon measuring cup and use two rounded scoops which is roughly equivalent or just a bit more than the provided scoop. With this I really feel the sensation run through my body and can feel the power of this supplement. Dump two scoops of GABA in 8 ounces of water but I have used it with milk or a protein shake and then mix or shake up the drink. GABA mixes and dissolves in the liquid very quickly. Another point is there is a bit of a sour taste to GABA but not to the point where you cannot drink it.

As for the timing of use of GABA that is really up to you. From the information I have researched it is suggested that you should take GABA before bed. I, myself, have used GABA for exercising purposes by taking it about 30 minutes to an hour before working out - Seems to work for me.

Myself, personally, and there is no information out about this, do suggest that you actually cycle GABA. GABA does work on the pituitary gland and with hormones. However, I have not had any issues with my hormones or mood other than the previously mentioned relaxation effect with GABA. It is in my honest view that it is a rather good idea to let your body take, accept, and then recuperate from a product. The goal of this product is to assist you and not be some magical product that makes you look like a chiseled GOD!

I advise to those that may have some type of breathing, asthmatic, or bronchial issues to maybe not use this product but once again check with a doctor and/or nutritionist with supplementation knowledge before using.

You can get Dymatize GABA or any brand of GABA from Health Food / Sports Nutrition store or on the Internet. I tend to buy from two locations on the Internet those being Vitacost.com and Bodybuilding.com. They both have great prices and ship incredibly fast.

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