Showing posts with label mental. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mental. Show all posts


Monday Morning - Beginning Work Week Blues - Just Stop It!

Here I am back writing. I told you all I am back, but nobody believed ME!! As I sit here on the Eclipse day looking out the window to a rainy day. Therefore, no eclipse for me but wait there is a break in the storm. If you can see it, enjoy.

Therefore, what am I writing about here today? Well, I had this idea kicking around in my head. I have seen something for many years that is bothering me. I am not going to go full-blown cuss fest like the last post. I will try to restrict myself to some positive language and not sentence enhancers. What I am blabbering about is something I have seen for many years in pictures and or memes of the dread of Mondays or the start of the workweek. Maybe I do not see it or do not get it anymore since I have Mondays off but I understand nonetheless as everybody goes through the period of the first workday dread.

Well, I am a person here that is going to try to break this pattern. I might be one person, but I have words, and I can mostly communicate them. Maybe because I have been listening, –slash-, watching the Video Advice Motivational Videos on YouTube but we all need to stop the dread of going back to work. If you have a job or a career that you are in or involved with but every week you dread going back. You dread the day of going back to work. You just do not enjoy it then you might want to sit back and look at where you work, start thinking about doing something else or something better. Better yet, find what you are passionate about and go in that direction even if there is no compensation. If you are passionate about something, a subject, and you can do well with the something or on that subject, the money will flow to you, but you have to work hard.

For example, take my girlfriend she loves what she does for work, she makes a grip of cash and is feeling and see it moving into an actual career, but every week there is this pissy-ness, this anxiety, this dread of going back to work. She does her job quite well but the management at her job is a joke, per the norm of most locations, and it makes the job more stressful than it already is and on top of that, the stress she puts on herself to do better. If you love your job/career, but you hate where you work you probably should start looking for a job in your industry somewhere else. If there are not any current companies in your area look in other states or start brainstorming your own business in that field and get some friends and coworkers to help you start it up. Alternatively, lastly, God forbid you to look for another job or career.

After years of working in call centers and jumping around in a couple of places of employment, I have found a job I can do well. I like going to work. I like the people at work. I could make a bit more money but to be honest, I want to be happy more than I want to be rich – even though I like buying toys. While I cannot say, I am ecstatic to go to work while I have many passions that require as much time as work I am paying my bills.

You see there is a massive epidemic that has been happening for probably the last 15 to 20 years. That epidemic is negativity and people becoming soooo aggressively bitchy over everything and nothing. We as a people need to figure this out before it gets even worse than it already is. Maybe as a collective whole, we need to look and ponder on what we want to post or if we should even post it at all on social networks. Many memes and pictures are maybe funny to read see and post but there is subliminal unintentional messaging that we do not realize is there, and it affects more and more people daily. Of course, you can be an average person, get off social networks, and try to live your life and detox but for many of us we are so accustomed and addicted to social media that we cannot pull ourselves away. Facebook, for example, has a feature that tells you how many days you have posted in a row and checking mine I was completely blown away at how many days it said. It stated that I have had been sharing for 70 days straight. Let me repeat, SEVENTY DAYS STRAIGHT!! We have a problem everybody, A Major Problem.

However, though, it takes just one person to say NO, STOP, WE CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE! The more times when one additional person does this, it increases public consciousness, thought, and allows everybody to overcome the negative garbage that is happening, folding, and multiplying on top of itself getting worse daily, hourly, even minutes and seconds.

Spread the Word of Positivity



I Need to Focus...

Something interesting happening to me. Dafuq?

"When someone tells you that they need to completely focus and that they need to not talk to anybody but they are on Facebook day in and day out posting and talking to people - is that focusing???"


Mental Ramblings of the Mind

Do you ever have the urge to do something outside your norm? Outside your norm meaning away from your job, your lifestyle, your daily grind. Do you feel that you can do much more than your physical boundaries but you cannot go past those physical boundaries? That is rather where I am right now. I know I can do more than I am doing now but just cannot get into gear, get going, get moving.

I have a few cool ideas I want to try but I just cannot pin them down, flesh them out on paper or digital paper for that matter. I have much to say but nothing springs from my vocal box when I want to say something.

Guess I am in a weird mood today. Eh, let us see what today, tomorrow, and the next day brings.