After reading a couple pages on the net, I jumped over to and bought me the 8320 earbuds for 12 bucks or so total with overnight shipping (your total will probably be different). All I can say is Holy Hell Wow for the price these are the best earphones I have used in a long, long time. The highs, mids, and lows of these suckers are amazing and no matter what music you throw at em they comeback with amazing results. They are also are incredibly loud with all music so make sure to account for that otherwise you will be deaf, I guarantee it!
I have not done this yet (and will probably do so) but many sites and reviews state you may have to purchase some additional replacement earbud tips to make them fit and work a bit better. The stock tips are actually quite huge but they do fit my ears yet after listening awhile they start to hurt. When taking them out after much listening it feels like you just pulled a stick or a ball out of your ears.
The build quality of these earbuds is top notch. The jack connector is pretty solid and reinforced as well as the wires to the earbuds themselves.
One thing I instantly noticed is if you move around quite a bit you will hear the sound of the cord rustling. Another strange thing about these earbuds is you put them in to the ear upside down compared to many other earbuds and one thing I dislike more and more is the wires hang down from the tops of the earbuds it is such a strange design for the wiring.
As for the length of the wire it is an average length 48 inches like many earphones though I wish it were about length of 50 to 60 inches, as I like to work out listening to Slacker Radio on my phone and these seem to be to short or pull out of the ears at awkward moments of exercise.
Beyond the quirks I have had with these earbuds the sound quality makes you want to ignore any minor issues with them and for such a crazy low price they are, at least to me, it is a steal of a deal. You can get your own set by hopping on over to