Here I am back writing. I told you all I am back, but nobody believed ME!! As I sit here on the Eclipse day looking out the window to a rainy day. Therefore, no eclipse for me but wait there is a break in the storm. If you can see it, enjoy.
Therefore, what am I writing about here today? Well, I had this idea kicking around in my head. I have seen something for many years that is bothering me. I am not going to go full-blown cuss fest like the last post. I will try to restrict myself to some positive language and not sentence enhancers. What I am blabbering about is something I have seen for many years in pictures and or memes of the dread of Mondays or the start of the workweek. Maybe I do not see it or do not get it anymore since I have Mondays off but I understand nonetheless as everybody goes through the period of the first workday dread.
Well, I am a person here that is going to try to break this pattern. I might be one person, but I have words, and I can mostly communicate them. Maybe because I have been listening, –slash-, watching the Video Advice Motivational Videos on YouTube but we all need to stop the dread of going back to work. If you have a job or a career that you are in or involved with but every week you dread going back. You dread the day of going back to work. You just do not enjoy it then you might want to sit back and look at where you work, start thinking about doing something else or something better. Better yet, find what you are passionate about and go in that direction even if there is no compensation. If you are passionate about something, a subject, and you can do well with the something or on that subject, the money will flow to you, but you have to work hard.
For example, take my girlfriend she loves what she does for work, she makes a grip of cash and is feeling and see it moving into an actual career, but every week there is this pissy-ness, this anxiety, this dread of going back to work. She does her job quite well but the management at her job is a joke, per the norm of most locations, and it makes the job more stressful than it already is and on top of that, the stress she puts on herself to do better. If you love your job/career, but you hate where you work you probably should start looking for a job in your industry somewhere else. If there are not any current companies in your area look in other states or start brainstorming your own business in that field and get some friends and coworkers to help you start it up. Alternatively, lastly, God forbid you to look for another job or career.
After years of working in call centers and jumping around in a couple of places of employment, I have found a job I can do well. I like going to work. I like the people at work. I could make a bit more money but to be honest, I want to be happy more than I want to be rich – even though I like buying toys. While I cannot say, I am ecstatic to go to work while I have many passions that require as much time as work I am paying my bills.
You see there is a massive epidemic that has been happening for probably the last 15 to 20 years. That epidemic is negativity and people becoming soooo aggressively bitchy over everything and nothing. We as a people need to figure this out before it gets even worse than it already is. Maybe as a collective whole, we need to look and ponder on what we want to post or if we should even post it at all on social networks. Many memes and pictures are maybe funny to read see and post but there is subliminal unintentional messaging that we do not realize is there, and it affects more and more people daily. Of course, you can be an average person, get off social networks, and try to live your life and detox but for many of us we are so accustomed and addicted to social media that we cannot pull ourselves away. Facebook, for example, has a feature that tells you how many days you have posted in a row and checking mine I was completely blown away at how many days it said. It stated that I have had been sharing for 70 days straight. Let me repeat, SEVENTY DAYS STRAIGHT!! We have a problem everybody, A Major Problem.
However, though, it takes just one person to say NO, STOP, WE CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE! The more times when one additional person does this, it increases public consciousness, thought, and allows everybody to overcome the negative garbage that is happening, folding, and multiplying on top of itself getting worse daily, hourly, even minutes and seconds.
Spread the Word of Positivity
Showing posts with label feelings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feelings. Show all posts
*Muffled* Hlp, Hel..,help, HELP!!!
I am stuck in a box. This place is dirty and moldy. I need some fresh air. I stumble around in the dark feeling the walls of the box. What is this - a latch!! Let me twist this round. Creeeeeeeeeeeek!!! A Mouth Opens. I’m Back!!
Hello everyone Welcome to My World. Let me repeat. Hello, people welcome to My World. Guess what it has been roughly four months since I tried to write something down on this ancient, old, blog of mine. I have been stuck in the dark of my mind, and profound negativity and I am done with it. Yah, hear me I am done with it!!! *Raises Fist in the Air*
Heh, yeah, it has been awhile, and I was having a mostly great morning after being frustrated as hell with little gremlin problems since it is some intense ass communication retrograde where nothing seems to communicate right, or there are issues. I was off work happy wired to some sugar to look down at my car outside my place of employment and notice some assclown either a fucked up co-worker or a goddamn bum cut, stabbed, shanked into my tire. Great, hope it lasts, and it is still intact. Scared to Drive my car and put air in the tire. Super, just after I get my car back from the shop!!! Ugggghhhh, God Damn it!!
Now that that rant is done let us talk about things and other rants. I noticed that people are quite a bit pissier about things lately. Soo pissy and negative be it the New President (He Won Get Over It!) to North Korea to the Neo-Nazi–Antifa Gang Fights (Don't Block Me Google!) to all this Racial shit to the back and forth Bitch Fests on the Internet.
Everybody is in a tissy about something these days. To be honest, everybody, are things as bad as we see or what the lying off their ass media is trying to portray to us, or what high political persons or billionaires want us to behave? You, Me, I, We all need to get back to the times of being happy or seeing the happiness in things. I just recently after arguing about things with many people I stopped and just completely dumped and removed all political pages and followings from all my social media. It is just too much. It wastes so much goddamn time to do this. The darkness that consumes you from reading, watching, and listening to all this is unbelievable. There are way better things we can be doing. First, we could you know live our lives and stay the fuck out of other people’s business like people used to do. Quit being so goddamn triggered of little, stupid, and meaningless shit. Quit being so goddamn offended about every fucking thing under the sun. Quit being Spoiled Fucking Crybabies. Grow some balls, get some calluses, and put on your big boy and girl pants for once. Moreover, for the love of Jebus quit parroting what the media and political groups (all sides) lock on repeat, learn what words mean before you spew it out of your mouths. You are a Racist, Misogynist, God Damn Nazi, ETC! So many people sound like complete stupid goddamn fucking idiots.
Get off social media, get off the Internet, Turn off your phone, Turn off Your TV, Go outside and breathe the air. And if you cannot turn off your TVs, Watch some cartoons or some comedy movies. Go to the Movies. Get out and move your fat ass it will help you! Get your mind off bitching, moaning, and all this fucking negativity. DETOX!!
Hello everyone Welcome to My World. Let me repeat. Hello, people welcome to My World. Guess what it has been roughly four months since I tried to write something down on this ancient, old, blog of mine. I have been stuck in the dark of my mind, and profound negativity and I am done with it. Yah, hear me I am done with it!!! *Raises Fist in the Air*
Heh, yeah, it has been awhile, and I was having a mostly great morning after being frustrated as hell with little gremlin problems since it is some intense ass communication retrograde where nothing seems to communicate right, or there are issues. I was off work happy wired to some sugar to look down at my car outside my place of employment and notice some assclown either a fucked up co-worker or a goddamn bum cut, stabbed, shanked into my tire. Great, hope it lasts, and it is still intact. Scared to Drive my car and put air in the tire. Super, just after I get my car back from the shop!!! Ugggghhhh, God Damn it!!
Now that that rant is done let us talk about things and other rants. I noticed that people are quite a bit pissier about things lately. Soo pissy and negative be it the New President (He Won Get Over It!) to North Korea to the Neo-Nazi–Antifa Gang Fights (Don't Block Me Google!) to all this Racial shit to the back and forth Bitch Fests on the Internet.
Everybody is in a tissy about something these days. To be honest, everybody, are things as bad as we see or what the lying off their ass media is trying to portray to us, or what high political persons or billionaires want us to behave? You, Me, I, We all need to get back to the times of being happy or seeing the happiness in things. I just recently after arguing about things with many people I stopped and just completely dumped and removed all political pages and followings from all my social media. It is just too much. It wastes so much goddamn time to do this. The darkness that consumes you from reading, watching, and listening to all this is unbelievable. There are way better things we can be doing. First, we could you know live our lives and stay the fuck out of other people’s business like people used to do. Quit being so goddamn triggered of little, stupid, and meaningless shit. Quit being so goddamn offended about every fucking thing under the sun. Quit being Spoiled Fucking Crybabies. Grow some balls, get some calluses, and put on your big boy and girl pants for once. Moreover, for the love of Jebus quit parroting what the media and political groups (all sides) lock on repeat, learn what words mean before you spew it out of your mouths. You are a Racist, Misogynist, God Damn Nazi, ETC! So many people sound like complete stupid goddamn fucking idiots.
Get off social media, get off the Internet, Turn off your phone, Turn off Your TV, Go outside and breathe the air. And if you cannot turn off your TVs, Watch some cartoons or some comedy movies. Go to the Movies. Get out and move your fat ass it will help you! Get your mind off bitching, moaning, and all this fucking negativity. DETOX!!
Daily Mood - Nov 21st 2016
Smash, Smash, Break, Break, Hulk Angry!!
Hostile and unvageuly stubborn.
My Latest Vacation
So, if you do not know, I did go on a vacation. It was a short mini vacation but one none the less. For me, this was a big deal as I have not been on vacation since I was in my teens. That has been about 18 years. Yes, that long of time.
What you may or may not know about me is I am quite a homebody stretching into hermit territory. I have a few anxiety issues with being in public and what people think of me and such. Because of the above, this makes this vacation a great thing for me as it is well outside of my comfort zone.
My Girlfriend and I had the ability to go to Fort Lauderdale, Florida and then on to a brand new Harmony of the Seas cruise ship for a couple of days and oh did I forget to mention that this ship is the largest cruise ship in the world? Yep, this thing was freaking huge!! We had a brief fun moment at Atlantis in Nassau after a long and unnecessary walk to the bus and then a walking tour. We broke away from the tour as we thought it was quite stupid and only had a couple of hours at Atlantis to experience anything, and despite a couple of rides, we initially thought it was quite meh. However, the thing about Atlantis is you have to go for the full experience and not just the rides. You have to go and stay at Atlantis and not visit. My girlfriend and I nervously did the Leap of Faith ride, the one where you fly down through a shark infested water tank. We both are quite scared of rides and heights, so it was freaky.
So we walked up the stairs and got into the tube of the ride. I could not keep my eyes open and due to how fast you go you really can't see anything anyhow, but I can tell you from my experience it felt like I was falling from the sky into the tank of water. You feel absolutely nothing underneath you when you go down. When I hit the drop of the slide, I was saying to myself Holy Fuccccccccckkkkkk! I believe I lifted up off of the slide and being quite overweight, as I am, you typically will move or fly down faster than someone that is much skinnier and lighter. The rush in your chest and heart going down this is quite insane. I did not scream going down, but my girlfriend let everything loose when she went it was quite hilarious. Now, granted with this vacation, there was not much time to thoroughly enjoy everything.
My Girlfriend and I do not party we don't go out and booze it up because we both believe that is a waste of time and a waste of money. We went out and ate some nice food, walked around what seemed like forever, did a bit of shopping, and was able to rent a street legal go-kart that we drove around Fort Lauderdale. On the cruise ship, we ate at the buffet a couple of times and was pretty good. We went to the main dining room to eat one night, and we both felt it wasn't up to snuff. With this being a special two-day cruise we were not able to eat at some locations as most were VIP or special invite which was a bummer as these sites had apparently nice thick steaks. Outside of this, we did eat at a pizza place on the ship which was quite good. What made this cool was everything was pretty much free being it food or drinks. I had lots of free sodas and a few glasses of water.
All in all, it was a very cool experience, and I will say if you ever have a chance to go on a cruise ship and can go on any excursions off the ship go for it. Do not say no and experience it! And here I will become a bit gushy, but with my Girlfriend, I have experienced things I never have. She is the one person that has pushed me to do things in a right way. She has forced me to experience life and has dragged me kicking and screaming and bitching about things. I appreciate her for allowing and pulling me to come with her. I love her very much, and I hope we can continue to do fun things like the above mentionings. We have to work on some of the media we have, but I will try to put some media up of our vacation.
What you may or may not know about me is I am quite a homebody stretching into hermit territory. I have a few anxiety issues with being in public and what people think of me and such. Because of the above, this makes this vacation a great thing for me as it is well outside of my comfort zone.
My Girlfriend and I had the ability to go to Fort Lauderdale, Florida and then on to a brand new Harmony of the Seas cruise ship for a couple of days and oh did I forget to mention that this ship is the largest cruise ship in the world? Yep, this thing was freaking huge!! We had a brief fun moment at Atlantis in Nassau after a long and unnecessary walk to the bus and then a walking tour. We broke away from the tour as we thought it was quite stupid and only had a couple of hours at Atlantis to experience anything, and despite a couple of rides, we initially thought it was quite meh. However, the thing about Atlantis is you have to go for the full experience and not just the rides. You have to go and stay at Atlantis and not visit. My girlfriend and I nervously did the Leap of Faith ride, the one where you fly down through a shark infested water tank. We both are quite scared of rides and heights, so it was freaky.
So we walked up the stairs and got into the tube of the ride. I could not keep my eyes open and due to how fast you go you really can't see anything anyhow, but I can tell you from my experience it felt like I was falling from the sky into the tank of water. You feel absolutely nothing underneath you when you go down. When I hit the drop of the slide, I was saying to myself Holy Fuccccccccckkkkkk! I believe I lifted up off of the slide and being quite overweight, as I am, you typically will move or fly down faster than someone that is much skinnier and lighter. The rush in your chest and heart going down this is quite insane. I did not scream going down, but my girlfriend let everything loose when she went it was quite hilarious. Now, granted with this vacation, there was not much time to thoroughly enjoy everything.
My Girlfriend and I do not party we don't go out and booze it up because we both believe that is a waste of time and a waste of money. We went out and ate some nice food, walked around what seemed like forever, did a bit of shopping, and was able to rent a street legal go-kart that we drove around Fort Lauderdale. On the cruise ship, we ate at the buffet a couple of times and was pretty good. We went to the main dining room to eat one night, and we both felt it wasn't up to snuff. With this being a special two-day cruise we were not able to eat at some locations as most were VIP or special invite which was a bummer as these sites had apparently nice thick steaks. Outside of this, we did eat at a pizza place on the ship which was quite good. What made this cool was everything was pretty much free being it food or drinks. I had lots of free sodas and a few glasses of water.
All in all, it was a very cool experience, and I will say if you ever have a chance to go on a cruise ship and can go on any excursions off the ship go for it. Do not say no and experience it! And here I will become a bit gushy, but with my Girlfriend, I have experienced things I never have. She is the one person that has pushed me to do things in a right way. She has forced me to experience life and has dragged me kicking and screaming and bitching about things. I appreciate her for allowing and pulling me to come with her. I love her very much, and I hope we can continue to do fun things like the above mentionings. We have to work on some of the media we have, but I will try to put some media up of our vacation.
Daily Mood - January 6th
Hi, how are you doing? Oh, I am great. That's Amazing. How are the Kids and the Family? Cool Cool (sigh, I haven't posted one of these since February).
Sociable on the surface, but embarrassed underneath.
Daily Mood - February 23rd
Hell yeah, Lets Go!! Wait, but how this is so confusing.
Ambitious on the Surface, but Puzzled Underneath.
Daily Mood - February 20th
I used to be so creative and all over the place now I'm just pissed off, frustrated bump, on a log. Damnnit!!
Creative and Frustrated
Daily Mood - January 13th 2014
Ahhhh, Get away, Get Away!!
Scared, but many mistake it for being thrilled
Daily Mood - January 9th 2014
Why are you doing that? Because. And why is that? Just Cause. Why is that so? BECAUSE, YOU DAMN FOOL!!
Extremely Inquisitive
Daily Mood - January 8th 2014
ohhhh boy!
Yeah, just a little happy today. Rofl
Yeah, just a little happy today. Rofl
Mildly joyous
Daily Mood - January 4th 2014
*Hides under the table with sheer delight
Withdrawn and Excited
Daily Mood - January 2nd 2014
Serene, but many mistake it for being petrified.
Daily Mood - December 20th 2013
Feeling Meeehhh but also like Jim Carrey in his movies.
Antisocial and Lighthearted
Daily Mood - December 18th 2013
Not so bold but excited for no apparent reason.
Timid on the surface, but excited underneath.
Daily Mood - December 16th 2013
Which is up is always down and what is down is always up but neither side to side.
Disoriented, but many mistake it for being warm.
Daily Mood - December 11th 2013
Sooooo, which one do you like? Brand X, Y, or Z?
Um, huh?
Alright, you chose Brand X!!
Wait, what?
Um, huh?
Alright, you chose Brand X!!
Wait, what?
Puzzled, but many mistake it for being focused.
Daily Mood - December 10th 2013
This has turned almost in to a yearly mood!
No, Damn It, I don't want to go anywhere what the hell is wrong with you I am making shhhh-- happen.
No, Damn It, I don't want to go anywhere what the hell is wrong with you I am making shhhh-- happen.
Creative and Antisocial
Daily Mood - July 9th 2013
Looking for Jobs and My Girlfriend stopped talking to me.
Disoriented and Terrified
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