So, if you do not know, I did go on a vacation. It was a short mini vacation but one none the less. For me, this was a big deal as I have not been on vacation since I was in my teens. That has been about 18 years. Yes, that long of time.
What you may or may not know about me is I am quite a homebody stretching into hermit territory. I have a few anxiety issues with being in public and what people think of me and such. Because of the above, this makes this vacation a great thing for me as it is well outside of my comfort zone.
My Girlfriend and I had the ability to go to Fort Lauderdale, Florida and then on to a brand new Harmony of the Seas cruise ship for a couple of days and oh did I forget to mention that this ship is the largest cruise ship in the world? Yep, this thing was freaking huge!! We had a brief fun moment at Atlantis in Nassau after a long and unnecessary walk to the bus and then a walking tour. We broke away from the tour as we thought it was quite stupid and only had a couple of hours at Atlantis to experience anything, and despite a couple of rides, we initially thought it was quite meh. However, the thing about Atlantis is you have to go for the full experience and not just the rides. You have to go and stay at Atlantis and not visit. My girlfriend and I nervously did the Leap of Faith ride, the one where you fly down through a shark infested water tank. We both are quite scared of rides and heights, so it was freaky.

So we walked up the stairs and got into the tube of the ride. I could not keep my eyes open and due to how fast you go you really can't see anything anyhow, but I can tell you from my experience it felt like I was falling from the sky into the tank of water. You feel absolutely nothing underneath you when you go down. When I hit the drop of the slide, I was saying to myself Holy Fuccccccccckkkkkk! I believe I lifted up off of the slide and being quite overweight, as I am, you typically will move or fly down faster than someone that is much skinnier and lighter. The rush in your chest and heart going down this is quite insane. I did not scream going down, but my girlfriend let everything loose when she went it was quite hilarious. Now, granted with this vacation, there was not much time to thoroughly enjoy everything.

My Girlfriend and I do not party we don't go out and booze it up because we both believe that is a waste of time and a waste of money. We went out and ate some nice food, walked around what seemed like forever, did a bit of shopping, and was able to rent a street legal go-kart that we drove around Fort Lauderdale. On the cruise ship, we ate at the buffet a couple of times and was pretty good. We went to the main dining room to eat one night, and we both felt it wasn't up to snuff. With this being a special two-day cruise we were not able to eat at some locations as most were VIP or special invite which was a bummer as these sites had apparently nice thick steaks. Outside of this, we did eat at a pizza place on the ship which was quite good. What made this cool was everything was pretty much free being it food or drinks. I had lots of free sodas and a few glasses of water.
All in all, it was a very cool experience, and I will say if you ever have a chance to go on a cruise ship and can go on any excursions off the ship go for it. Do not say no and experience it! And here I will become a bit gushy, but with my Girlfriend, I have experienced things I never have. She is the one person that has pushed me to do things in a right way. She has forced me to experience life and has dragged me kicking and screaming and bitching about things. I appreciate her for allowing and pulling me to come with her. I love her very much, and I hope we can continue to do fun things like the above mentionings. We have to work on some of the media we have, but I will try to put some media up of our vacation.