I just wanted to post that I am not going back on my word about posting more on my blogs. To let you in on some info I was sick the last week. It was some kind of randomly appearing hardcore flu/food poisoning reached me and I was liquidating from both ends of my body. Yeah, I know nasty. To add on top of that my girlfriend I am living with caught it as well so I have been taking care of her too. As of today I have seem be back to my normal old self but today seemingly to have more energy than lately well besides being on a couple of upper supplements I have.
I actually feel quite amazing today even though not much is going on. I made a vow to help my girlfriend more around the place since I am sitting around, watching Netflix, and gaming lately. The only problem is there is a lot of stuff to do, as we have been sick so everything in this place stayed still frozen as if a zombie apocalypse came through. And on top of that Nintendo, a video game maker did their Nintendo Direct today which complicates my day as I have a Game blog so I had to watch their video and upload a bunch of posts about the games they talked about with pictures and videos let alone the Paid To Click Sites I try to do daily. I actually have many things still do on my game blog but I had to stop so I can get those PTC sites done.
On another note, if anybody I know that reads this blog has any ideas, assistance, hot word on jobs either local Las Vegas Area or online please let me know. In addition, if any of my friends need some help with computers or need a part time computer consultant please also let me know.
I am sorry for the randomness of this post just trying to unload some thoughts and things in my head.