
Frusterating Car Alarms

OMFG, car alarms though quite useful are the most annoying things ever created except maybe Furbys.

Car alarms are really great when they actually prevent crime but when car alarms go off at 2 in the morning and no one stops the alarm it can drive you insane. I am not just talking about a loud alarm. I am talking about an alarm that goes off for about a minute and completely stops for 3 minutes and then goes off again and repeats this pattern. The only funny thing is that the vehicle looks to be a lame ass station wagon.

Who the hell puts a car alarm on a station wagon? Are your kids toys that important? Cause you know station wagons are high in demand! Cause station wagons are dope! I know you must not be a bright person but maybe trade that station wagon in for a sportier car to make the alarm at least appropriate.

The alarm is still going off. It is still going off 2 hours later!


  1. By the way the car alarm didn't stop until 11am. WTF!!!


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