Showing posts with label ramblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ramblings. Show all posts


*Muffled* Hlp, Hel..,help, HELP!!!

I am stuck in a box. This place is dirty and moldy. I need some fresh air. I stumble around in the dark feeling the walls of the box. What is this - a latch!! Let me twist this round. Creeeeeeeeeeeek!!! A Mouth Opens. I’m Back!!

Hello everyone Welcome to My World. Let me repeat. Hello, people welcome to My World. Guess what it has been roughly four months since I tried to write something down on this ancient, old, blog of mine. I have been stuck in the dark of my mind, and profound negativity and I am done with it. Yah, hear me I am done with it!!! *Raises Fist in the Air*

Heh, yeah, it has been awhile, and I was having a mostly great morning after being frustrated as hell with little gremlin problems since it is some intense ass communication retrograde where nothing seems to communicate right, or there are issues. I was off work happy wired to some sugar to look down at my car outside my place of employment and notice some assclown either a fucked up co-worker or a goddamn bum cut, stabbed, shanked into my tire. Great, hope it lasts, and it is still intact. Scared to Drive my car and put air in the tire. Super, just after I get my car back from the shop!!! Ugggghhhh, God Damn it!!

Now that that rant is done let us talk about things and other rants. I noticed that people are quite a bit pissier about things lately. Soo pissy and negative be it the New President (He Won Get Over It!) to North Korea to the Neo-Nazi–Antifa Gang Fights (Don't Block Me Google!) to all this Racial shit to the back and forth Bitch Fests on the Internet.

Everybody is in a tissy about something these days. To be honest, everybody, are things as bad as we see or what the lying off their ass media is trying to portray to us, or what high political persons or billionaires want us to behave? You, Me, I, We all need to get back to the times of being happy or seeing the happiness in things. I just recently after arguing about things with many people I stopped and just completely dumped and removed all political pages and followings from all my social media. It is just too much. It wastes so much goddamn time to do this. The darkness that consumes you from reading, watching, and listening to all this is unbelievable. There are way better things we can be doing. First, we could you know live our lives and stay the fuck out of other people’s business like people used to do. Quit being so goddamn triggered of little, stupid, and meaningless shit. Quit being so goddamn offended about every fucking thing under the sun. Quit being Spoiled Fucking Crybabies. Grow some balls, get some calluses, and put on your big boy and girl pants for once. Moreover, for the love of Jebus quit parroting what the media and political groups (all sides) lock on repeat, learn what words mean before you spew it out of your mouths. You are a Racist, Misogynist, God Damn Nazi, ETC! So many people sound like complete stupid goddamn fucking idiots.

Get off social media, get off the Internet, Turn off your phone, Turn off Your TV, Go outside and breathe the air. And if you cannot turn off your TVs, Watch some cartoons or some comedy movies. Go to the Movies. Get out and move your fat ass it will help you! Get your mind off bitching, moaning, and all this fucking negativity. DETOX!!


A Typical Morning - Usually

Hey, just getting slightly personal. Here is my morning before I did anything. If you do not know I am a connoisseur of energy drinks, pizza, pastrami sandwiches, and video games. I try to post daily to my video game news blog sometimes nothing comes in to post. Sometimes I try to post on here but that seems to be pretty damn hard for me for some reason. Anyhow, Enjoy your Friday everybody.


I have not forgot my word

I just wanted to post that I am not going back on my word about posting more on my blogs. To let you in on some info I was sick the last week. It was some kind of randomly appearing hardcore flu/food poisoning reached me and I was liquidating from both ends of my body. Yeah, I know nasty. To add on top of that my girlfriend I am living with caught it as well so I have been taking care of her too. As of today I have seem be back to my normal old self but today seemingly to have more energy than lately well besides being on a couple of upper supplements I have.

I actually feel quite amazing today even though not much is going on. I made a vow to help my girlfriend more around the place since I am sitting around, watching Netflix, and gaming lately. The only problem is there is a lot of stuff to do, as we have been sick so everything in this place stayed still frozen as if a zombie apocalypse came through. And on top of that Nintendo, a video game maker did their Nintendo Direct today which complicates my day as I have a Game blog so I had to watch their video and upload a bunch of posts about the games they talked about with pictures and videos let alone the Paid To Click Sites I try to do daily. I actually have many things still do on my game blog but I had to stop so I can get those PTC sites done.

On another note, if anybody I know that reads this blog has any ideas, assistance, hot word on jobs either local Las Vegas Area or online please let me know. In addition, if any of my friends need some help with computers or need a part time computer consultant please also let me know.

I am sorry for the randomness of this post just trying to unload some thoughts and things in my head.



Apple iPhone 5 - Thoughts

Apple: Damn, we ran out of ideas. What do we do with the next round of iPhones?

I know! Let us label it 5 and make two versions the 5c and 5s. One being just as expensive as the other but let’s label it cheap, make it out of plastic, give it away for $100 on contract (really it’s a hundred dollars cheaper than the 5s coming in around $450), and copy Microsoft with their phone colors.

For the more expensive one let’s throw in a 64-bit chip in it which no one will use for at least 9 years because there will be no software using it and by then we will have a new POS product to throw out to the idiot consumers.

Round of Applause - Amazing Ideas Guys!!


I Need to Focus...

Something interesting happening to me. Dafuq?

"When someone tells you that they need to completely focus and that they need to not talk to anybody but they are on Facebook day in and day out posting and talking to people - is that focusing???"


Mental Ramblings of the Mind

Do you ever have the urge to do something outside your norm? Outside your norm meaning away from your job, your lifestyle, your daily grind. Do you feel that you can do much more than your physical boundaries but you cannot go past those physical boundaries? That is rather where I am right now. I know I can do more than I am doing now but just cannot get into gear, get going, get moving.

I have a few cool ideas I want to try but I just cannot pin them down, flesh them out on paper or digital paper for that matter. I have much to say but nothing springs from my vocal box when I want to say something.

Guess I am in a weird mood today. Eh, let us see what today, tomorrow, and the next day brings.