
Bluetooth Pfffffth NFC Speaker is Where it is at!!

So in the world of Wireless Signals, Bluetooth, and more it is nice to see innovation still happening. Now we do not know what all these wireless signals are doing to our bodies outside some independent research and some government documentation that no one has access to, but we do not care that we are frying our brains, but we want convenience and ease. So what I have here is at least to my knowledge correct NFC Audio transfer in this infomercial slash commercial for Boom Touch. Aside from traditional laughable and dangerous advertising, this looks pretty good. They went with a standard we do not care about aesthetics or any beautiful colors or any trademarked characters, Hello Kitty, just your rudimentary matte black device with a speaker screwed into a box with some special magical circuitry.

As the commercial video shows "Oh My Gosh, Oh all golly gee Beaver how does this new fangled device work?" You just dropped your tech on this sum bitch, and it plays music possibly quite terribly, but you do not know that until you buy one. However, hey if you work fast you can get two for the price of one. Moreover, if you want to be a big deal make sure you check the upgraded speaker option cause we know for an extra five bucks that aren't going to hurt or break the bank.

Around 40 something dollars with shipping ain't bad, but you probably have to wait a month to receive it but oh glory day it is amazing tech for your phone or tablet!!

To the makers of Boom Touch No Disrespect at all, I think this is an excellent idea and I would love to try it.

You can get yours at https://www.boomtouch.com


Gotta Change

Woooooweeeee!!!, it's been so long since I posted here. I pretty much stopped posting if you haven't noticed. Gonna clean up this page and try to do some changes myself. Not much has changed or happened since the last time I "spoke". Well, a couple things have changed.

I am actually working. I love my job. It is Amazing!! I make a good bit of money to feed my game and media habits but yet pay my bills. My Girlfriend and I are in a much better and bigger apartment. We have a second room for our computers and stuff. It will be the eventual gaming/streaming room.

My Girlfriend told me I should write again as it gets my yayas and anger out so I will try to do so more often. I know I have said that often in the past that I need to write or make posts and here comes another one.
I honestly think I gave up on life a couple times. I think I lost track. Just mindlessly moving around in this ball of the world that seems to be a mess and out of whack.

For those that do not know, I have major anxiety and fear problems. Mostly the anxiety and fear of the and being in public. For my age, you think it weird that I truly went shopping for groceries by myself for the first time ever just last week or so. Yep, I can hear it now Your a Homebody, a Hermit, a blah blah blah but hey it is kind of an accomplishment eh!!

Another issue is I do not trust anybody and with the ever changing landscape of this country with so many brain dead sheep, phone zombie generation, the over zealous sensitives, and the whacked out dangerous people walking out there now you'd think that would be a good thing but from what people tell me it's not the case. This pretty much has kept me from making or keeping friends at least long term friends. I have work friends and acquaintances but those are kept at a distance. Strangely, I Facebook and Twitter with people well, though. I've also been told that I speak well to people over the phone as long as these people tend to not be idiots or yelling at me because then you will definitely see a different side of me.

Yep, I'm just pounding away on my virtual keyboard through my phone here. Maybe I will actually edit this on a computer I don't know. There is an App for that right?

A lot of my time is short even though I have a couple days off a week. I play video games. I stream those said video games, I'm trying to break into making videos, and I'm also lazy as hell. I know I tried before but I have to do something I feel or have an urge that I have to do something and maybe I need to do some creative things.

You know I am really scared for this country. This country has gone to hell since I was born and that's not connected. We have let this country go to shit. We have voted people in that said will do something but then turn around and do something completely different or actually nothing at all but they get praised out the asshole for being gods gift to the election. While big and small businesses are closing left and right across the country we are slathered with stats and numbers to show everything is damn fine okay when it is completely F'n not. We do not need any more political idiot politician we need a business man or woman (can't forget the other half before some sensitive assclown becomes triggered!) to take charge and bring us back in bounds because we are so far out of bounds were past Pluto and dare, dare I say Uranus!

Writing an Actual Post


O..M...F....G!! Gasp, shock and awe, the horror. I write thee a message to inform of an impending post by yours truly after several months of a disappearance of sorts.

Back with a vengeance? Maybe. Bitching? Could Be. Sheer Arrays of Textual Morsels? Yep


Jared Leto's Joker Unveiled

I know everybody has seen this by now and many people are already bitching and complaining but I believe we have the best Joker in the making with Leto. The imagery of how crazy and insane Leto looks as the Joker in the latest revealed picture from Suicide Squad movie is awesome. If the Suicide Squad movie follows along the lines of the animated movie Batman: Assault on Arkham and explores in more detail this could be freaking amazing.

Back to the picture just released of Leto's Joker. You can see how crazy he looks and with the tattoos, showing craziness and you can see that Jokers teeth are now metallic and some are suggesting that is related to possibly that batman and joker get into it in a big fight and batman knocks his teeth out. On the other hand, some Joker renditions in comics looked like Joker had metallic teeth.

We will see when the movie comes out but at least to me I like where this is going.


Using the Blogger App via Voice


Testing out the capabilities of the Blogger app via the voice recording aspects of my phone. I am not using it now but I do have a headset that I can start actually blogging with my voice which apparently is quite easier than typing.

I will be trying to use the Blogger App to actually blog about more things on this site. I know I have written several posts saying that I would blog more and then I don't but apparently using apps now is very helpful and quicker.

I am not sure what I will be blogging about but I will definitely be trying to blog now.


Batman: Assault on Arkham is Freaking Awesome

If you are into Animation, Cartoons, or Comics this is by far the best Batman related story besides Batman: The Animated Series. It follows the styling of the Batman Video Games by Rocksteady Studios, Warner Bros. Games MontrĂ©al, and Splash Damage. Kevin Conroy plays Batman, which everybody knows his voice is Batman hands down and newcomer to the Joker’s voice Troy Baker who takes over the reins from the brilliant Mark Hamill. Troy is all over the place when it comes to video game voice work. The movie predominately features the Suicide Squad more so than Batman but Batman is involved with the story.

If you have not seen this video you definitely need to check it out by buying it digitally, on Blu-ray, on DVD, or find it somewhere on the Net.

A Typical Morning - Usually

Hey, just getting slightly personal. Here is my morning before I did anything. If you do not know I am a connoisseur of energy drinks, pizza, pastrami sandwiches, and video games. I try to post daily to my video game news blog sometimes nothing comes in to post. Sometimes I try to post on here but that seems to be pretty damn hard for me for some reason. Anyhow, Enjoy your Friday everybody.


I have not forgot my word

I just wanted to post that I am not going back on my word about posting more on my blogs. To let you in on some info I was sick the last week. It was some kind of randomly appearing hardcore flu/food poisoning reached me and I was liquidating from both ends of my body. Yeah, I know nasty. To add on top of that my girlfriend I am living with caught it as well so I have been taking care of her too. As of today I have seem be back to my normal old self but today seemingly to have more energy than lately well besides being on a couple of upper supplements I have.

I actually feel quite amazing today even though not much is going on. I made a vow to help my girlfriend more around the place since I am sitting around, watching Netflix, and gaming lately. The only problem is there is a lot of stuff to do, as we have been sick so everything in this place stayed still frozen as if a zombie apocalypse came through. And on top of that Nintendo, a video game maker did their Nintendo Direct today which complicates my day as I have a Game blog so I had to watch their video and upload a bunch of posts about the games they talked about with pictures and videos let alone the Paid To Click Sites I try to do daily. I actually have many things still do on my game blog but I had to stop so I can get those PTC sites done.

On another note, if anybody I know that reads this blog has any ideas, assistance, hot word on jobs either local Las Vegas Area or online please let me know. In addition, if any of my friends need some help with computers or need a part time computer consultant please also let me know.

I am sorry for the randomness of this post just trying to unload some thoughts and things in my head.
