
Gotta Change

Woooooweeeee!!!, it's been so long since I posted here. I pretty much stopped posting if you haven't noticed. Gonna clean up this page and try to do some changes myself. Not much has changed or happened since the last time I "spoke". Well, a couple things have changed.

I am actually working. I love my job. It is Amazing!! I make a good bit of money to feed my game and media habits but yet pay my bills. My Girlfriend and I are in a much better and bigger apartment. We have a second room for our computers and stuff. It will be the eventual gaming/streaming room.

My Girlfriend told me I should write again as it gets my yayas and anger out so I will try to do so more often. I know I have said that often in the past that I need to write or make posts and here comes another one.
I honestly think I gave up on life a couple times. I think I lost track. Just mindlessly moving around in this ball of the world that seems to be a mess and out of whack.

For those that do not know, I have major anxiety and fear problems. Mostly the anxiety and fear of the and being in public. For my age, you think it weird that I truly went shopping for groceries by myself for the first time ever just last week or so. Yep, I can hear it now Your a Homebody, a Hermit, a blah blah blah but hey it is kind of an accomplishment eh!!

Another issue is I do not trust anybody and with the ever changing landscape of this country with so many brain dead sheep, phone zombie generation, the over zealous sensitives, and the whacked out dangerous people walking out there now you'd think that would be a good thing but from what people tell me it's not the case. This pretty much has kept me from making or keeping friends at least long term friends. I have work friends and acquaintances but those are kept at a distance. Strangely, I Facebook and Twitter with people well, though. I've also been told that I speak well to people over the phone as long as these people tend to not be idiots or yelling at me because then you will definitely see a different side of me.

Yep, I'm just pounding away on my virtual keyboard through my phone here. Maybe I will actually edit this on a computer I don't know. There is an App for that right?

A lot of my time is short even though I have a couple days off a week. I play video games. I stream those said video games, I'm trying to break into making videos, and I'm also lazy as hell. I know I tried before but I have to do something I feel or have an urge that I have to do something and maybe I need to do some creative things.

You know I am really scared for this country. This country has gone to hell since I was born and that's not connected. We have let this country go to shit. We have voted people in that said will do something but then turn around and do something completely different or actually nothing at all but they get praised out the asshole for being gods gift to the election. While big and small businesses are closing left and right across the country we are slathered with stats and numbers to show everything is damn fine okay when it is completely F'n not. We do not need any more political idiot politician we need a business man or woman (can't forget the other half before some sensitive assclown becomes triggered!) to take charge and bring us back in bounds because we are so far out of bounds were past Pluto and dare, dare I say Uranus!


  1. I love your writing!! Keep it up baby! I love you and all what the future holds for us!!


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